Loomba Foundation Banquet
6.30pm Saturday 19th October at The Guildhall with DPM Nick Clegg and Cherie Blair
Download the Annual Fundraising Banquet brochure, auction details, and order of events HERE.
Say “widow” to most people, and more likely than not they think of a dark figure with superhuman magical powers surrounded by some mystery. We hear the White Widow was behind the Kenya shopping mall massacre. The Black Widow conjures up images of a deadly spider, or a Marvel heroine, or a solitary beautiful cloaked woman selling us life insurance. If only all widows were so empowered.
In reality there are 245 million widows in the world most of whom suffer in silence. They are a hidden and forgotten community that look after 500 million children – usually with extreme prejudice. The world has turned their back on them, they are neglected, and they have few champions. Unlike the Scottish Widows advert, widowers are not a sexy subject, attract no media attention and given the size of the discrimination it is shocking to see the neglect they live through. Nor is it merely a problem in an emerging countries. There are plenty of British widows who lost their wealth, their homes, their jobs and their standing in the community whilst suffering the loss of their husband.
There is a lone voice headed up by Lord Loomba, who has made it his life mission to redress the imbalance. The Loomba Foundation, in memory of his own mother, now attracts ministers and celebrities, heads of state, leading academics and corporates. This Saturday 19th October 2013, together with their President Cherie Blair QC, and patron Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, they will be gathered at The Guildhall to celebrate 15 years of The Foundation and announce a radical new approach for the cause – The Widows Marketplace.
The size of the problem demands a radical approach. Charities like The Loomba Foundation are faced with decreasing funding as the begging bowl approach hit the pain barrier in a depressed society with little surplus funds. In the brave new world of social innovation and impact investment, the emphasis is on financial bets on a social outcome. Governments talk about new fangled instruments, social investment bonds, payment by results, right to request, social enterprises, mutuals … the list is endless. Unsurprisingly, widows do not fit into this world very easily. No one is interested in a financial bet on a widow who can’t even feed herself.
So Loomba has decided to turn the challenge on its head to attract the financiers and corporates – a social bet with a financial outcome. Businesses now need to land bank their social metric – it’s become the currency of choice. Out is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability, and in comes in the creation of social value to articulate the goodness in your company. An additional bonus, if the corporate wants to tender for public sector contracts, the Social Value Bill 2013 demands they demonstrate their social impact if they have any hope of winning the tender process. By measuring the social impact of a widow, Loomba can demonstrate that ‘investment’ into his Foundation will multiply ten fold the output of their CSR investments, benchmarking corporates favourably against their competitors. An entrepreneurial idea fitting of Loomba’s Patron-in-Chief, Sir Richard Branson.
The Loomba Foundation has recruited the Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) to measure the social impact of insurance companies and widow makers; those aligned to his widow marketplace. He aims to rally them to his cause initially focussing on markets of India, Brazil and South Africa so together they can resolve some intractable problem facing widows worldwide. A very modern solution to an age old social problem.
The Loomba Foundation at www.theloombafoundation.org
The Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance at www.cceg.org.uk
Social impact metric of corporates at www.brandanomics.com
Available for release: Speeches from PM David Cameron, DPM Nick Clegg, Cherie Blair QC and Lord Loomba
Press Contact:
Professor Olinga Ta’eed
Mob: +44 (0) 7798 602987
Social Earnings Soft Launch
Dear CCEG Members,
We are pleased to announce the first of our Social Earnings Ratio licensees has gone live with their website, measuring social impact of listed corporates.
Please take some time to view their website, particularly the 10 second update of share price and social impact tickers. Try out their interactive graphs! More news on S/E Ratio to follow soon.
Visit here: www.brandanomics.com
With 2846 members, CCEG continues to go from strength to strength. We have recently undergone a major update of our offering on our website, www.cceg.org.uk, so please familiarise yourself with our latest products and expert teams.
Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise & Governance
London Banquet Dinner with the Loomba Foundation (UPDATE)
London Banquet Dinner with Nick Clegg, Cherie Blair and Richard Branson
- 19th October 2013, The Guildhall (London)
The Loomba Foundation Annual Fundraising Banquet with Nick Clegg and Cherie Blair - on Saturday, 19th October 2013 at The Guildhall in London
The Loomba Foundation is a non-profit, UN accredited, international NGO. Their purpose is to help eliminate discrimination against widows. This event is raising money empower disadvantaged widows in India, who will receive a sewing machine and training to make garments. They will become self reliant, be able to educate their children, support family members and live a life of dignity.
Dear CCEG Members, following on from our successful event at The Dorchester Hotel, the Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) have partnered up with The Loomba Foundation to assist the organisation with the Fundraising Banquet on Saturday 19th October 2013. The evening will consist of short speeches and an auction, conducted by Lord Jeffery Archer, which will be followed by entertainment by a famous group called The Sway.
We are looking for 35 students who would like to volunteer to help at this event. If you would like to volunteer on the day please get in touch asap.
This is a black tie event held at The Guildhall, London, so volunteers will need to dress in the appropriate black attire. It is a fantastic opportunity for you to experience an event like this.
Interested students should RSVP to: Priyanka Rajdev, Sub-Group Leader: Social Enterprise Student Consultancy. Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance.
Email: Priyanka.Rajdev@cceg.org.uk
Autumn Guest Lecture Series
CCEG presents its Autumn Guest Lecture Series, exploring topical issues in business. Download the event calendar HERE.
Guest Lecture.: Survivin and Thriving in Industries Undergoing Disruption
'What does it take to survive and thrive in an industry that’s undergoing massive disruption?'
The Financial Times' Global B2B Sales Director, James Mann, will give a presentation about the decisions made and milestones reached in a journey that has seen the FT evolve from a traditional advertising supported newspaper to a thriving multiplatform global digital proposition.
18.30 – 20.00
31st October 2013 – The University of Northampton Business School
To register - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/8776285105